Michael Clayton - 3/5 stars
Dir: Tony Gilroy (debut)
Writer of Bourne Trilogy debut directorial, so how does he score?
Starring George Clooney as Michael Clayton, an in-house "fixer" at the largest law firms in New York. Though burned out and uncontent with his job , his divorce, a failed business venture and mounting debt left Clayton tied to the firm. But when Kenner Bach's brilliant and guilt-ridden attorney Arthur Edens sabotages one of his case, Clayton faces the biggest challenge of his career and life.
Written and direted by Bourne writer, one of the greatest action trilogy of all time, starring George Clooney, Tilda Swinton, Tom Wilkinson, all really credible actors giving great performances. The problem with this movie is with the people who is watching it, do you understanding all the law and business crap they were talking in the first two third of the movie. For me, i didn't, thus i was sort of playing catching with the movie, trying to find out most of the time the jargons and business terms in majority of the dialogue.
The directr try to make this the sort of "intelligent" film, that makes you think what is going to happen and what the characters going to do. In the end it left the viewers too much to do, thinking, guessing, coping with the dialogue, slow pace, and the hardest part, keeping awake.
No doubt a good film, but certainly not for everyone, definely not for me.
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