Thursday, April 28, 2005

my next short film...

being busy all this while with work... so haven been blogging... still i am busy now anyway...

busy with a industrial project call 3GGER tts is supposely for m1 for the current most in gadget 3G handphones... we have to shoot videos about the muost fun cheapest things in singapore in other words means cheap and good !!!

currently also working on my friends short film ... again the cameraman haha so scare in future dunno anythin except camera only... also i hope to write a script for a short film i want to direct... i want to dedicate this film to my grandma... its is about cigrattes and smoking... my grandma is a heavy smoker all the while... but knowing being passive smoker is nt good she never smoke when around her grandchildren... sometimes will get nagged by my parents uncles aunties... but i know she will nv want to do anythin bad to our health... ok haven realli develop the story... but tts wad i have in mind ... hope i can tink of a good script and hopefully able to film it...