Monday, January 21, 2008

latest movies updates

Cloverfield to get a sequel?!?

What director Matt Reeves say during an interview - " There's a moment on the Brooklyn Bridge, a guy was filming something on the side of the bridge, and Hud sees him filming and he turns over and he sees the ship that's been capsized and sees the headless Statue of Liberty, and then he turns back and this guy's briefly filming him. In my mind that was two movies intersecting for a brief moment, and I thought there was something interesting in the idea that this incident happened and there are so many different points of view, and there are several different movies at least happening that evening and we just saw one piece of another. That idea sort of tickled me. We'll have to see if anyone would want a sequel. If the movie does well and we find a compelling reason to do so then it would be fun to do a sequel".

Omg! pls do not do any sequel to this movie, it sld be left it alone as it is!!!

Peter Jackson signed up to produce The Hobbit

Finally the movie is being finalized! All fans of LOTR rejoy!. But the thing is he will not direct this time round, and the Hobbit is slated to produce into 2 movies. And the releasted date is set at 2010 - 2011.

Christian Bale and Johnny Depp to be starring in Michael Mann new film, Public Enemy

Omg, 2 of my favourite actors to appeared face to face on screen!!! The film's the story of legendary bank robbery John Dillinger (Depp) and the huge FBI hunt for him, led by Agent Melvin Purvis, who Bale is set to play. So it's definely very Michael Mann (Heat, Collateral, Miami Heat), even though in this case the 1930s setting takes this a little way away from his usual stomping ground.

Iron Man to appear in The Hulk?

This must go down as one of the strangest cameo ever in movie history. Source from Empire website, "This is going to prove controversial for the film and some will call it a shameless attempt by Marvel to cross promote their movies. But we think it's pretty neat. These characters are all supposed to exist in the same world, so it makes sense that they'd be aware of each other. Some are saying this is an indication that Marvel is preparing to move ahead with a movie version of The Avengers (Marvel's equivalent of The Justice League), but, given the cost and tricky logistics in trying to put something like that together, we wouldn't expect an announcement on this anytime soon."

Movies recommended for the next 2 weeks.

This week. Atonement (Winner of Golden GLobe Best Picture for Drama), Assasination of Jesse James By the Coward Robert Ford, The Diving Bell and the Butterfly (The leading contender for this year Oscar Best Foreign Film, already won Golden Globe)

Next Week - Sweeney Todd, Kite Runner, Away From Her

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