Sunday, January 08, 2006

Its sunday today. one of the rainest sunday i ever seen. i love u rain but u must learn when to stop raining, cause you must understand... HOW CAN I DRY MY CLOTHES IF U KEEP RAINING!!!... cough erm. erm. er a bit fierce, but anyway get to watch narnia hohoho finalyl finish watching the 2 blockbuster of dec king kong and narnia. its all begin with everybody hav watch either one of this movies except me, and thus i was forced to watch shit movies like aeon flux, family stone, a chinese tall story. cant realli call them shit but does not worth me paying more den 7 dollars for them. narnia is a pretty good one but sorry, king kong is cuter! (am i sort of praising myself?)

ok jus watch the ren ci charity show, nv been so much affected about charity and those shows, cause its like u see at least 3 or 4 big shows like nkf kidney, nkf heart prob, renci, got another one forget wad, u c flag days everywhere, u c salvation army ppl ringing their bells during christmas, even news of nkf ppl buying gold taps, actors blaming producers of telling them to do stunts fo the shows, so i was sort of immune and no feelings to all this, but how the Reverend Ming Yi say just now, the ppl most affected are the poor patients, its liek beause of tt 1 person its sinks the whole ship. sad sad sad. so me myself make my first call out of my own pocket. 5 dollars. YEAH.

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