So here come some short reviews of the movies I had watch in Dec.

Rating 2.5/5 Stars
Directed By: Baz Luhrmann (Moulin Rouge, Romeo & Juliet)
THis movie can might as well called Sweden, Czechoslovakia or Yishun and it don't even matter to me. THe movie plot had nothing much to do with the title at all. Although the movie is beautifully shot (Every frame can be a piece of art), but the visuals are too overly posturize and look extremly fake. The CGs must be one of the fakest one i had seen for a while for a big production like this.
THe plot is the worse, everything seems fake and unrealistic, the script tried to be about a lot of things but ends up being about nothing. There is no real direction to the story from the start to the end. I feel the director shot the first part of the movie planning to make a romance, and wake up the next day and saw a black guy being fucked by a white thinking, fuck this world sucks I should do something about it today, I should make a drama about racism. Then he wakes up another day reading about the terroism attack in Mumbai, fuck I should tell a story about stopping a war. I should make a war movie today.
ANd damn, i end up dunno what i am watching

Yes Man
Rating:2/5 Stars
Directed By: Peyton Reed (Bring it On, The Break-Up)
JIm Carrey used to be really funny without trying hard, nowadays he tried to hard to be funny and end up being lame. ANd this is the one word I will describe this movie, LAME. THe movie is just so annoyingly stupid that it makes me feel stupid watching it. There are alot of redundant scenes that should be just cut out, watching a comedy that is not funny is untolerable, the 104 mins in it feels like 3 hrs. Whenever I thought the movie is going to end , it tries to give me a even lamer joke.
And weirdly though is the movies starring Zooey Deschanel, I think she is really cute, quirky and quite a good actress and I had noticed her since she starred in the cutsy Will Ferrell flick ELF, but every movies she is in recently tends to sucks like the suckiest movie of the year The Happening, Bridge to Terabithia and Failure To Launch.

Rating: 2.75/5 Stars
Directed By: Byron Howard, Chris Williams
Everybody tells me how good this is before i watched it giving me so much expectations. THis stories tell us never give too much expectation for something or you will often end up being disappointed. I felt like Bolt was a wonderful children's movie, but left nothing for adults to be entertained by.THe characters may be cute but I think the story and characters are unoriginal and seems to have read and seen it somewhere b4 especially the hamster Rhino and the talking pigeons.
ANd i really not into the old school Disney cartoons with alot of goosebump songs thats why the only Pixar film i didn't like is Cars. But nevertheless this is still a alright family film to bring your children to.
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