Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Some really dumb questions i found while surfing Yahoo! answers

These are some stupid questions i found people asking on Yahoo!answers and some stupider people actually answer them.

Why sometimes people fart with sound and without sound?

A: Most fart gas comes from swallowed air and consists largely of nitrogen and carbon dioxide, the oxygen having been absorbed by the time it reaches the anal opening. These gases are odorless, although they often pick up other (and more odiferous) components on the way through the bowel. They emerge from the anus in fairly large bubbles at body temperature. A person can often achieve a good sound with these voluminous farts, but they are commonly (but not always!) mundane with respect to odor, and don't feel particularly warm.Another major source of fart gas is bacterial action. Bacterial fermentation and digestion processes produce heat as a byproduct as well as various pungent gases. The resulting bubbles of gas tend to be small, hot, and concentrated with stinky bacterial metabolic products. These emerge as the notorious, warm, SBD (Silent-But-Deadly), often in amounts too small to produce a good sound, but excelling in stench.

If a man impregnates two sisters, how much DNA will their kids have in common?

A: It depends on the similarities in DNA of the sisters. If they were identical twins then there will probably have at most 50% DNA in common. But between to sister, I would assume at most about 25%.

Are we born evil, or born pure and become evil?

A: According to the bible we are born with the original sin, in the beginning when adam and eve partook of the forbidden fruit, that God told them not to eat of, they did anyways, and that was the original sin, and God said that every one that comes into the world would be born in the originalsin. There fore, we are born evil. (wtf is this guy trying to say?)

Where can I get a polo shirt that has a Woolly-Mammoth on it rather than a horse or crocodile?

A: Zazzle.com

What do you think dying feels like?

A: Hmmm, interesting question...but the first thing that came to me was, it probably hurts less than living...

I was bitten by a turtle when I was a young lad, should I still drink orange juice?

A: Everyone knows that if you drink orange juice after being bitten by a turtle you will die of asphyxiation in the next sixty-five years! If the turtle is still alive today, he will find and strangle you. If he's dead, he'll come back as a ghost and take over your body.. making you strangle yourself on a crowded public bus with your own hands...!

Do you like birthday gifts?

A: yes..got one for me?

How come there are no gay animals?

A: There are gay animals. You just need to get out more and meet some.

Why Does a red Rose looks Red?

A: WTF! Because it is fucking red!

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