Thursday, February 14, 2008

CJ 7 - 3.5/5 stars

Dir: Stephen Chow (prev work- Shaolin Soccer, Kung Fu Hustle)

I think Stephen Chow really forget one thing, the reason why so many people watch his movies is because people want to watch him, but he seems to be getting to comfortable in the director seat and appearing lesser and lesser each time he is on screen.

The stood out of this movie is definely Xu Jiao, the girl who cross dressed as Stephen son in this movie. In recent Asian cinemas memory, I had never seen such a natural on screen especially handling both the emotions and comedy part of the character so well.

But the saddest part of this story is the weakness in the plot, Stephen say he spend 2 years working on the script but for what I see is just a normal plot a third rate script writer can think of. The jokes are not enough and the dramedy is not enough. But for the cuteness of the "7 zai" k la give u o.5 stars more.

Kung Fu Dunk - 1!/5 stars

Dir: Kevin Chu (Prev work: Ren Zhe Bing. Bao Gao Ban Zhan series)

The moment at the first 5 mins of the movie when i heard the nonsense sound effects and soundtrack I knew I will be in a terrible ride. And I am so RIGHT!!

From the first second to the last the movie is trash. Ridiculous action of slam dunking, ridiculous sound effects, ridiculous jokes that is not even consider joke as it is nt funy at all, and a ridiculous moment of time frozen and rewind.

Oh man, dun let me c the director or i will find a basketball and slam his head.

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