Directed By: Fernando Meirelles (City of God, The Constant Gardener)
Starring: Julianne Morre, Mark Ruffalo, Danny Glover, Gael Garcia Bernal & Alice Braga
Rating: 4/5
Based on a Nobel winning Novel, this movie had been slammed by crtics critically around the world due to its sensitive issues with human morales and especially for portraying blind people comparing them to "monsters".
This movie ranked in my Top 10 most "awkward and uneasy movies to watch on a first date" ranking table which consisted of Requiem of A Dream, The Machinist, Oldboy and The nortorius Brown Bunny. The rape scene in the movie will especially make u finched and feeling uneasy throughout the movie.
I would describe this movie as a zombie movie like I am Legend and 28 Days Later, just that this time the zombies are real humans who has turned blind. Interestingly all the characters in the movies had no names, their character are namely known as "The Doctor", "The Doctor Wife", "Man of Ward 1 #4" and "King of Ward 3" which I think is clever showing what a "blind world" is like. Using white instead of the usual black in a world of darkness was a fresh idea which works well in the ending especially when Julianne Moore character look up the sky full of white thinking if she has turned blind.
But the main point of this drama is showing us the ugly sides of humanity to us "norms" how extreme situations and fighting for survival bring out the worst of us humans. The movie is being slammed for portraying blind people badly but I think it is more of showing how ugly and disgusted humans can be when they are left in a situation like this. An eg. maybe you might think you are a really good person who loves your family, your friends and even your dog. But when left in a do or die desperate time of choices would you not betray your family and friends and even kill your dog for food?
But this movie had it loopholes and dosen't make sense logics. Julianne Moore character as the only person who can see, why did she allow herself to be manipulated by the bastards and allow herself and the other women to be raped and tortured when she clearly had the advantage of sight?
Though this is still a really great movie i think that every humans should watch.

Directed By: Ethan Coen and Joel Coen (Fargo, No Country For Old Man)
Starring: Frances McDormand, George Clooney, Brad Pitt, Tilda Swinton and John Malkovich
Rating: 3.5/5
Just to let you all know please do not miss the 5 mins of this movie or you will be like me trying to figure out throughout the movie how the characters interlinked and the main plot of the story.
This is a really smart movie trying to tell us how dumb human can be, even the FBIs. Smartly intervine linkage of the characters, which causes like a chain reaction in the way the movie moves. But you need to really pay attention what is going on.
This movie is only alright to me as the Coens had done similar movies and done better before like The Big Lebowski and O Brother where Art Thou. But I thought the characters were really fun especially for George and Brad.
How I wish I can get to act Brad Pitt character...

Directed By: Ben Stiller (Zoolander, Cable Guy)
Starring: Ben Stiller, Robert Downey Jr, Jack Black
This movie gotta be the biggest budget comedy ever. And for playing a war movie in a movie, it might even exceed the cost of an actual war movie.
The dialogues are really hilarious, but you must be a really big movie fan to know what are the jokes about, joking about Hollywood, acting jargons, character acting and movies comparisons with the Rain Man and Forrest Gump.
The opening of the movie with 3 movie trailer and a drink commercial, especially the trailer starring Robert Downey and Tobey Maguire playing gay priests was hilarious. The main 3 characters parody the 3 main types of actors in Hollywood, the guy who acted in blockbuster movies who actually can't act (Ben Stiller), the guy that acted in stupid comedies and fart movies joke (Jack Black), and the last guy who will goes through all sorts of thing to be in the character portray who also happens to wins all sorts of awards (Robert D Jr.)
The actions and explosives scenes were really cowabunga! Stunning actions which can even put Saving Private Ryan or Apocalyse Now to shame. The first 10 mins of the movies can be as good as any top 100 movies of all time. The last half hour dialogue of the movies was really funny and smart, the problem is with the middle of the movie. The jokes dosen't make you laugh and makes no sense.
The cameos in this movies are alright only too. People had raves about how funny Tom Cruise is inside as the money loving producer who only caresa about making money. I actually find it funny while watching too, but to think back, what if this guy isn't Tom Cruise and just some unknown guy, we find it funny only because Tom Cruise play dumb.
Robert Downey Jr. I think is the only funny guy and standout in the movie, I think he can even win a Oscar for this but we all know the Academy don't watch comedies. Everything this guy has recently appeared in is great. I am beginning to love this guy.

Directed By: Guy Ritchie (Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels, Snatch)
Starring: Gerald Butler, Thandie Newton, Tom Wilkinson
Rating: 3.25/5
After a recent list of flops, Guy Ritchie goes back what he do best, movies about crimes, sex and drugs. ANd something new Rock n Roll! Actually its a story of sex, thugs and rock n roll to be exact.
Friends around me had been recommending this movie to me, but if you had watched Snatch and Lock Stock before, the 2 will makes this movie looks bad. After starting nicely with his trademark quickpans and quick cuts,t he first 1 hour of the movie was a bore in the ass. The performance are cool but the dialogues wasn't and dosen't talk sense (although usually his movie dosen't talk sense too), leading the story no where. It started to get really funny when Gerald Butler and his Co. got chased and that was when I started to realise I was watching a comedy. It ended quite alright but the twist dosen't even feel like a twist at all.
And also the shortest sex scene in movie history might be the greatest sex scene of all, blink and you might just missed it.
THE COFFIN which I don't even want to bother reviewing cause it sucks to the core. I will still give it a rating though. 0.75/5